Currently, Ecoauthor is largely a one man company of Dr. S. Wijnhoven (Sander). You can find his curriculum vitae here.
You can find full-text examples of recent publications at this page. Dependent of the journal, there are restrictions to making available full-text copies on public sites (therefore in several cases you will find pre- or post-refereeing prints). You can obtain prints/pdf’s from the publisher’s sites as indicated in the files. Or contact Sander Wijnhoven for specific requests or with specific questions.
Selected publications:
– Verbrugge, L.N.H., De Hoop, L., Aukema, R. Beringen, R., Creemers, R.C.M., Van Duinen, G.A., Hollander, H., De Hullu, E., Scherpenisse, M., Spikmans, F., Van Turnhout, C.A.M., Wijnhoven, S., Leuven, R.S.E.W. (2019). Lessons learned from rapid environmental risk assessments for prioritization of alien species using expert panels.
Journal of Environmental Management 249, 109405.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2018). First description of epizoic ciliates (Sessilida Stein, 1933) on Bathyporeia Lindström, 1855 (Crustacea: Amphipoda) and infestation patterns in brackish and marine waters. Crustaceana 91,133-152.
– Hummel et al. (2017). Ecosystem services in European protected areas: Ambiguity in the views of scientists and managers?
PLoS ONE 12(11), e0187143.
– Hummel et al. (2016). Geographic patterns of biodiversity in European coastal marine benthos.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97, 507-523.
– Van der Gaag et al. (2016). Salinity as a barrier for ship hull-related dispersal and invasiveness of dreissenid and mytilid bivalves.
Marine Biology 163,147.
– Pronker et al. (2015). Hatchery cultivation of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule L.): from conditioning to grow-out. Aquaculture Research 46, 302–312.
– Van der Gaag et al. (2014). Temperature dependent larval occurrence and spat settlement of the invasive brackish water bivalve
Mytilopsis leucophaeta (Conrad, 1831) (Dreissenidae).
Journal of Sea Research 87, 30-34.
– Hummel & Wijnhoven (2014). Long-term patterns in the establishment, expansion and decline of invading macrozoobenthic species in the brackish and marine waters of Southwest Netherlands.
Marine Ecology (Suppl 1), 50-55.
– Van den Brink et al. (2013). Seasonal changes in caddisfly larval assemblages in river-floodplain habitats along a connectivity gradient.
Hydrobiologia 716, 75-85.
– Walker et al. (2013). Macrophyte presence and growth form influence macroinvertebrate community structure.
Aquatic Botany 104, 80-87.
– Van den Brink et al. (2013). Diversity, occurrence and feeding traits of caddisfly larvae as indicators for ecological integrity of river-floodplain habitats along a connectivity gradient.
Ecological Indicators 25, 92-98.
– Van den Brink et al. (2012). Competition and niche segregation following the arrival of
Hemigrapsus takanoi in the formerly
Carcinus maenas dominated Dutch delta.
Journal of Sea Research 73, 126-136.
– Hutchings et al. (2012). Note on additional diagnostic characters for
Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu, 1813) (Annelida: Eunicida: Eunicidae), a recently introduced species in the Netherlands.
Aquatic Invasions 7, 277-282.
– Schipper et al. (2012). Contamination exposure in relation to spatio-temporal variation in diet composition: A case study of the little owl (Athene noctua). Environmental Pollution 163, 109-116.
– Wijnhoven & Hummel (2011). Patterns in macrozoobenthic assemblages indicating state of the environment: insights from the drastically changed Rhine-Meuse estuary.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 436, 29-50.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2011). Is
Corophium multisetosum Stock, 1952 an exotic invasive species in Europe? Distribution, habitat and recent observations in the Netherlands.
Crustaceana 84, 975-1011.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2011). Short and mid-long term effects of cockle-dredging on non-target macrobenthic species: A Before-After-Control-Impact experiment on a tidal mudflat in the Oosterschelde (The Netherlands).
Marine Ecology 32(s1), 117-129.
– Wijnhoven & Dekker (2010). Records of a new alien polychaete worm species,
Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu, 1815) (Eunicidae) in the Eastern Scheldt, the Netherlands.
Aquatic Invasions 5, 431-436.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2008). Toxicological risks for small mammals in a diffusely and moderately polluted floodplain. Science of the Total Environment 406, 401-406.
– Schipper et al.(2008). Modeling the influence of environmental heterogeneity on heavy metal exposure concentrations for terrestrial vertebrates in river floodplains. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27, 919-932.
– Schipper et al.. (2008). Spatial distribution and internal metal concentrations of terrestrial arthropods in a moderately contaminated lowland floodplain along the Rhine River. Environmental Pollution 151, 17-26.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2007). Heavy metal concentrations in small mammals from a diffusely polluted floodplain: Importance of species- and location-specific characteristics. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 52, 603-613.
– Veltman et al. (2007). Cadmium accumulation in herbivorous and carnivorous small mammals: Meta-analysis of field data and validation of the bioaccumulation model optimal modeling for ecotoxicological applications. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26, 1488-1496.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2006). Metal accumulation risks in regularly flooded and non-flooded parts of floodplains of the river Rhine: Extractability and exposure through the food chain. Chemistry and Ecology 22, 463-477.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2006). The impact of bioturbation by small mammals on heavy metal redistribution in an embanked floodplain of the river Rhine. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 177, 183-210.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2006). Modelling recolonisation of heterogeneous river floodplains by small mammals. Hydrobiologia 565, 135-152.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2006). The effect of turbation on zinc relocation in a vertical floodplain soil profile. Environmental Pollution 140, 444-452.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2005). Flooding ecology of voles, mice and shrews: the importance of geomorphological and vegetational heterogeneity in river floodplains. Acta Theriologica 50, 453-472.
– Leuven et al. (2005). Toxicological constraints for rehabilitation of riverine habitats: a case study for metal contamination of floodplain soils along the Rhine. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplement 155, 657-676.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2003). Reply to comments on Wijnhoven et al. (2003). Aquatic Ecology 37, 449-451.
– Wijnhoven et al. (2003). Exotic and indigenous freshwater gammarid species: Physiological tolerance to water temperature in relation to ionic content of the water. Aquatic Ecology 37, 151-158.
– Mooij et al. (1999). Analysis and comparison of fish growth from small samples of length-at-age data: Detection of sexual dimorphism in Eurasian perch as an example. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128, 483-490.
Recent reports:
– Wijnhoven, S. (2023). Beoordeling kwaliteitstoestand Nederlandse deel Noordzee op basis van de Benthische Indicator Soorten Index (BISI). Toestand en ontwikkelingen van benthische habitats en HR-/KRM-gebieden gedurende 2016-2021 in vergelijking tot voorgaande jaren. Ecoauthor Report Series 2023 – 02, Heinkenszand, the Netherlands.
– Wijnhoven, S. (2023). Berekening van verlies en verstoring van benthisch habitat onder invloed van activiteiten en structuren. Achtergrondrapport ten behoeve van Mariene Strategie deel 1 met betrekking tot KRM beoordelingen D6 (fysieke verstoring benthische habitats) en D7 (hydrografische verstoringen). Ecoauthor Report Series 2023 – 05, Heinkenszand, the Netherlands.
– Van Dijk, M.W. & Wijnhoven, S. (2023). Overzicht activiteiten en berekening hydrografische verstoring. Achtergronddocumentatie ten behoeve van Mariene Strategie deel 1 met betrekking tot D7 (hydrografische verstoringen). RWS Informatie, Rapportage Rijkswaterstaat Zee & Delta.
– ICES (2022). Workshop to evaluate proposed assessment methods and how to set thresholds for assessing adverse effects on seabed habitats (WKBENTH3). ICES Scientific Reports. 4:93. 102 pp. Ellen Kenchington, Saša Raicevich (editors); Paul Coleman, Grete Elisabeth Dinesen, Ulla Fernández, Jan Geert Hiddink, Ellen Kenchington, Andrew Kenny, Marie-Louise Krawack, Axel Kreutle, Pascal Laffargue, Liam Matear, Henrik Nygård, Antonia Nystrom Sandman, Nadia Papadopoulou, Andrea Pierucci, Maider Plaza, Marina Pulcini, Saša Raicevich, Sofia Reizopoulou, Giada Riva, Marie-Julie Roux, Petra Schmitt, Chris Smith, Daniel van Denderen, Gert Van Hoey, Sandrine Vaz, Elina Virtanen, Sander Wijnhoven (authors).
– ICES (2022). Workshop to scope assessment methods to set thresholds (WKBENTH2). ICES Scientific Reports. 4:70. 99 pp. Jan Geert Hiddink, David Reid, Daniel van Denderen (editors); Miquel Canals Artigas, Elisa Baldrighi, Alice Belin, James Bell, Abdeladim Bendraoui, Esther Beukhof, Mats Blomqvist, Aurélien Boyé, Bianca di Lorenzo, Gabriele Di Bona, Grete Elisabeth Dinesen, Anna Downie, Aleksander Drgas, Stephen Duncombe-Smith, Ulla Fernández, Giacomo Montereale Gavazzi, Lina Gutierrez, Flemming Hansen, Norbert Haubner, Cristina Herbon, Jan Geert Hiddink, José Manuel González Irusta, Axel Kreutle, Despina Kyriakoudi, Ellen L. Kenchington, Pascal Laffargue, Anna Luff, Tim Mackie, Silvia Maltese, Liam Matear, Marco Milardi, Alessandra Nguyen, Antonia Nystrom, Hatice Onay, Nadia Papadopoulou, Marina Penna, Andrea Pierucci, Maider Plaza, Marina Pulcini, Elisa Punzo, Saša Raicevich, David Reid, Sofia Reizopoulou, Giada Riva, Marie-Julie Roux, Owen Rowe, Marta mega Rufino, Angella Santelli, Hannah Schartmann, Petra Schmitt, Alexander Schröder, Marija Sciberras, Chris Smith, Murray Thompson, Sebastian Valanko, Daniel van Denderen, Karin van der Reijden, Gert Van Hoey, Sandrine Vaz, Sander Wijnhoven (authors).

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